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GHOSTA debut with new function of road visualisation

Riding scooters in Taiwan is one of the unique sceneries for most people’s impression of Taiwan. However, we are so used to how general helmets look like, it is hard to imagine how the technology can be applied in the helmet to improve its function. “Since technology is more advanced now than in the past, we have the creation of smart phones and lighter laptops in the technology market. Yet, no one has ever thought about to apply the technology into helmets. In our view, we should implement technology into human’s life and remove the blind spot from our lives” said by co-founder of GHOSTA, Fenix Hsu.

“Only the technology in Taiwan has the ability to develop smart helmets”

In IDEAS Show on July 21, GHOSTA launched the debut of the smart helmet, and also provided a motorcycle for participants to experience the sense of wearing the smart helmet. GHOSTA is made and designed in Taiwan, and therefore, the team also decided to promote its product from Taiwan. Gogoro, the related product, has been lively discussed about the product’s price and its brand position, and the discussion also brings GHOSTA to define its product’s brand position and target market clearly in the market – GHOSTA is not an inexpensive product and to build a good brand image, it is necessary to focus on a niche market first by promoting the product with the higher price and better quality. After successfully entering into the market, GHOSTA then switches to mass market. By this strategy, GHOSTA is able to represent Taiwan as a world-class brand in the market.

Due to a large of scooter riders in Taiwan, it is easy for GHOSTA team to gather the information including scooters’ needs and the scooter market. Moreover, from the past experience, GHOSTA also understands the helmet’s manufacturing capabilities in Taiwan. GHOSTA, a self-defined software company, then integrates the technology of lens and sensors into the helmet by using Linux system. “There are many established computer corporations in Taiwan that owns many talented people who are familiar with Linux system. We have more advantages in developing smart helmets compared to our future competitor SKULLY. In SKULLY, its Android system does not support dual lens functions that are unable to present images from different angles. In addition, scooter riders with SKULLY helmet have to wait until the system has been turned on before riding on the scooter.” said by Fenix, “the sensor in Linux system is way faster than in Android system, and that is why we want to use Linux to efficiently develop GHOSTA in the smart helmet market.”

Fenix, co-founder of GHOSTA
Fenix, co-founder of GHOSTA

Road visualization by video recording through GHOSTA

Most technology companies, including GHOSTA, rely on software services to create business revenue. Like GoPro which provides the online platform for users to upload and license videos taken by GoPro, GHOSTA plans to create a similar service to build the network through the video platform. Whenever scooter riders put the helmet on the rechargeable and dehumidified helmet stand, the recorded riding video will be uploaded to the platform automatically and allows users to check on riding records. GHOSTA is also working on a new service in the video recording that aims to provide riders more information about road conditions and etc.

Industrial helmets DAQRI are able to view 4D images and mimic industrial operations. In addition to the helmet’s function, DAQRI also offers built-in 4D design software for related companies to invite them to develop applicable software together in the industry. GHOSTA has the similar vision in transportation industry – to improve lives by offering more transportation information within the city, to make the information more transparent. By achieving the goal, at first, GHOSTA collected the recorded data of road visualization that enables them to provide more information to the public.


GHOSTA: Get feedback from social networking platform before crowdfunding

GHOSTA started to raise money via crowdfuning in September 2015. Before that, the team conducted many statistics from social medias to have clues about potential investors, and to evaluate the popularity of the product. However, the complete manufacturing resources are also important for a startup. “Building a hardware startup is challenging. Without the support of supply chain, it is hard to develop a product even though the idea of the product is mature enough. We need not only startup or platform, but also OEM resource to change the supply chain in the industry.” Said by Fenix.

The debut of GHOSTA in IDEAS show provided many special functions such as music playing and call receiving in the helmet for users to experience the unprecedented helmets on the ride. We will let participants in the show to evaluate the comfortability of the GHOSTA helmet!



封面圖片來源:GHOSTA 網站截圖



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