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How much is your iPhone worth? Let “Phone Doctor” check up and trade in for you! Part II

(This article follows How much is your iPhone worth? Let “Phone Doctor” check up and trade in for you! I )

The team of “Phone Doctor Plus”, however, decided to devote themselves to this market. They aim to keep promoting the App to over 10 million downloads and by creating its popularity, they want to build an innovative platform of trade-in project. “Phone Doctor Plus” would achieve the goal of 3 minutes detection, 3 seconds estimation, 30 seconds deal done and at the end, cell phones trade in within 3 hours for users. This platform offers the automatic analysis of the standard trade in value by the server that provides the App users a way to get the estimation of the trade in value immediately by uploading its result of cell phones detection from “Phone Doctor Plus”. In the App, users can find potential buyers who are willing to purchase used cell phones with the estimation price (C2B) by clicking “Sell”; on the other hand, if users click “Wait”, users can look for other buyers who can offer higher trade in price. Buyers are free to list their requirements for used cell phones, and the platform can accordingly match the suitable ones to enhance the efficiency of the deal. C2B2C is another business model that buyers will repair the used or detective cell phones purchased from the platform, maintain cell phones’ quality, and then sell the repaired used phones again with 3 to 12 months warranty.

Moreover, “Phone Doctor Plus” also provides free on site counsel for cell phone detections and limited discounts for repairing if the App does not effectively detect anything from cell phones more than once reported by users. The App also offers useful and accurate advertisements such as the service of battery replacement, portable chargers and cellular operators’ promotion projects.

photo credit:Phone Doctor Plus
photo credit:Phone Doctor Plus

In addition to creating lots of business, the team of “Photo Doctor Plus” is also aware of fulfilling social responsibility. They are planning to establish the public service by cooperating with cellular operators and distributors. If the cellphone is detective as broken or non-repairable, the team would follow the adequate way to recycle is instead of throwing them away recklessly to decrease the pollution which may caused by cell phones. If the cellphone is repairable, they will donate repaired used cell phones to disadvantaged individuals, which allow them to use daily or to learn software developments. Cellular operators, at the same time, would offer limited free minutes talk to minorities. As a result, all of the platform, cellular operators and cellular distributors would make a positive impression to the public by providing those services. The projects are not limited to the domestic industry, of course. For example, the team is preparing to sign an MOU with a cell phones recycling company in Europe.

As a start up, “Phone Doctor Plus” seems to have a promising future, but the team still takes every step very carefully to achieve more. In our interview, they mentioned that they would not succeed without the resources provided by the business incubator of NSYSU, advices from experts in different fields and also the networking opportunities brought by AppWorks and TSS.

At the end of our interview, Ryan shared his experience of being an entrepreneur. “Taiwan is one of the excellent countries for start up business. Lots of business incubators and accelerators in Taiwan provide free places to work and also different recourses. We also have over hundreds of venture capitals (VP) in Taiwan. As long as the value of your idea is strongly enough to affect the market and you have a thorough business model for your ideas/business that allows you to earn more than your current salary, I will encourage you to try to start your own business!”

This is the story of a successful start up about “Phone Doctor Plus”. What are you still waiting? Go downloading this App and give it a try!





PanX 編譯。一個從生物科技領逃離的法律人,最近出沒美國,平日寫些正經嚴肅的法律文字之虞,也喜歡接觸更多多元的議題。希望藉由編譯文字,讓我持續保有對台灣這土地的熱愛及熟悉感。


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